Sunday, June 10, 2007

Au revoir!

Paris is very sleepy at 9:15 am on a Sunday morning. I too, am as well.

My fellow travellers left about 3 hours ago and I booked a different shuttle to afford myself additional sleep.

I would say that 98% of all businesses are closed today, including cafes. However, some of this should change as even on a Monday, shops do not open until 10 am.

Paris is a beautiful city, very different than those of Europe. It is grand. Although I have been here for 5 days, I know I have barely scraped the surface. Especially with my self imposed exile to bed yesterday. I am eager to return to work this coming week, and didn't want exhaustion to enter the picture. Normally, I would be horrified with the notion of going back, but with my increased time off of work due to my ankle, I am excited to have an income again!

Most of all, the end of my journey brings me back to my family. The last 5 days have been bitter sweet, seeing Lady Paris has robbed me of time with my boys.

Over the past week, I have heard increasing strain in Robb's voice as he tells me of the daily happenings of my family sans one member. Neither of us are overly fond of being a single parent when the other travels.

So, despite the long journey ahead, I am pleased to be making it. I also look forward to the return of my laptop so I can edit some of these post- finally looking at grammar & spelling! I plan to add more detailed information as time allows and arrival of a disc from Char & Andy. Did I mention earlier that I couldn't find my camera before I left? With the exception of the photos from my cell, which have been posted, I have relied on them to be my visual historians.

Be sure to check out yesterday's podcast for special information on luggage and flights! Make sure you know the rules, or you'll pay the horrid fine some of our fellow DCL cruisers did!

Also I have info on shipping from the port, which country has the best bathrooms, Disneyland Paris, and public transport in all three countries.

Although this is goodbye from Europe, my journey and blog are far from over!


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